
微凉菇凉 2021-09-19 09:07 433 次浏览 赞 122


  • 丛林穿梭

      (1) Bin Ma, Huaihai Chen, Minmin Xu, Tahir Hayat, Yan He*, Jianming Xu. Quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) models for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) dissipation in rhizosphere based on molecular structure and effect size. Environmental Pollution, 2010,158(8): 2773-2777. (通讯作者) (TOP期刊)  (2) Bin Ma, Yan He, Jianming Xu, Zed Rengel. 2010. Dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the rhizosphere: synthesis through meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution, 158(3):855-861.(通讯作者)(TOP期刊)  (3) Yan He, Jianming Xu, Xiaofei Lv, Zhaohui Ma, Jianjun Wu, Jiachun Shi. 2009. Does the depletion of pentachlorophenol in root–soil interface follow a simple linear dependence on the distance to root surfaces? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41(9):1807-1813.(全球农林科学领域SCI一区,国际土壤科学顶级权威TOP期刊)  (4) Yan He, Chengrong Chen, Zhihong Xu, David Williams, Jianming Xu. 2009. Assessing management impacts on soil organic matter quality in subtropical Australian forests using physical and chemical fractionation as well as 13C NMR spectroscopy. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41(3):640-650.(全球农林科学领域SCI一区,国际土壤科学顶级权威TOP期刊)  (5) Yan He, Zhongzhen Liu, Jian Zhang, Haizhen Wang, Jiachun Shi, Jianming Xu. Can Assessing for Potential Contribution of Soil Organic and Inorganic Components for Butachlor Sorption Be Improved? Journal of Environmental Quality, 2011, 40, doi:10.2134/jeq2010.0340 (online) (TOP期刊)  (6) Yan He, Jianming Xu, Zhaohui Ma, Haizhen Wang, Yuping Wu. 2007. Profiling of PLFA: Implications for nonlinear spatial gradient of PCP degradation in the vicinity of Lolium perenne L. roots. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 39(5):1121-1129.(全球农林科学领域SCI一区,国际土壤科学顶级权威TOP期刊)  (7) Yan He, Jianming Xu, Haizhen Wang, Yuping Wu. 2007. Generalized models for prediction of pentachlorophenol dissipation dynamics in soils. Environmental Pollution, 147(2):343-349.(TOP期刊)  (8) Yan He, Jianming Xu, Haizhen Wang, Qichun Zhang, Akmal Muhammad. 2006. Potential contributions of soil minerals and organic matter to pentachlorophenol retention in soils. Chemosphere, 65(3):497- 505. (TOP期刊)  (9) Yan He, Jianming Xu, Haizhen Wang, Zhaohui Ma, Jingqing Chen. 2006. Detailed sorption isotherms of pentachlorophenol on soils and its correlation with soil properties. Environmental Research, 101(3): 362-372.  (10) Yan He, Jianming Xu, Caixian Tang, Yuping Wu. 2005. Facilitation of pentachlorophenol degradation in the rhizosphere of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37(11):2017-2024.(全球农林科学领域SCI一区,国际土壤科学顶级权威(TOP期刊)期刊)

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