
夏可兒雲卿 2021-09-18 16:42 418 次浏览 赞 59


  • 七月紫梦

    Beijing Aquarium

    Beijing Aquarium is the largest inland aquarium in the world including an Amazon rainforest area, coral reefs, a shark aquarium (where you can dive with the flesh eaters), whales, dolphins and a marine mammal pavilion. The latter hosts lively aquatic animal displays.

    Drum Tower

    Originally built in 1273, marking the centre of the old Mongol capital Dadu, the tower has been repeatedly destroyed and restored. Stagger up the incredibly steep steps for long views over Beijing's rooftops. The drums of this later Ming dynasty version were beaten to mark the hours of the day - in effect the Big Ben of Beijing.

    The building came close to ruin during the Cultural Revolution, when it was reviled as an artefact from a feudal past. The Drum Tower has survived both Swiss engineering and Maoist scorn and are now protected treasures.
    On display is a large array of drums, including the large and dilapidated Night Watchman's Drum (being one of the five two-hour divisions of the night) and a large array of reproduction drums.

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